Premiere on March 10th, Monday to Friday, at 5PM, on Antena 1. Mihaela Tatu is Live with Romania. Two sides, seven jurors and one verdict!
In a world where everyone has their own version of reality, Antena 1 brings a new debate format, where ideas clash, opinions clash, and the final verdict belongs to the entire country. Live with Romania, the newest talk show, which analyzes the hottest topics of the moment - social, economic, cultural and moral - in a debate with real stakes, quick pace and deep implications can be seen live, on Antena 1, starting from March 10, from Monday to Friday, from 17.00. Everything that makes the front page in the morning is analyzed in depth in the afternoon, in an unprecedented televised format.

Two camps, one verdict! In each edition, the Pro and Cons teams defend their point of view live, in front of a jury made up of seven strong personalities, who analyze each argument and decide the final result. But the real power belongs to the audience – viewers react in real time, influencing not only the dynamics of the show, but also the final decision.

Mihaela Tatu, an established name in television, a leader of the dialogue and an arbiter of the truth, returns to the small screens in a role that suits her perfectly. With an impressive career and extensive media experience, she brings poise, clarity and above all, confidence. She is the friend you can confide in, the man who asks the right questions and doesn't accept evasive answers. About this return, Mihaela confesses, excited: "People are made to do certain things, and I liked this new format immensely. I know it will change certain mindsets, people will stick with something, it's a format that builds great things, it's not just a show. I'm excited and can't wait for people to discover us! I come back because I love what I do, I love the project, I love the team and it fills me with excitement! After exactly 25 years, the time and the format have come for me to believe in, to like and to want to do!".

From March 10th, Monday to Friday, from 5PM cu 7 PM, Live with Romania brings viewers the debate of the day, without detours and without compromises, on Antena 1! Also from March 10th, the Afternoon Observator returns from 4:00 p.m., on Antena 1.